Quality control of illumina reads

This module will guide you on how to go about quality control of data generated by the MiSeq. The objectives of this section are to

  1. Visualise the quality of your reads
  2. remove any adapter sequences present in the data,
  3. remove all bases with a Phred quality score of less than 20,
  4. graph the distributions of quality scores and nucleotides, and
  5. calculate the fractions of duplicate and singleton reads in the data.
The main tool we will use for assessing the quality of Illumina reads is FastQC. FastQC aims to provide a simple way to do some quality control checks on raw sequence data coming from high throughput sequencing pipelines. It provides a modular set of analyses which you can use to give a quick impression of whether your data has any problems of which you should be aware before doing any further analysis.


What is a FASTQ file?

Once the sequencing is finished, the data becomes available for download as "fastq" text files, in which each short read takes up four lines:

    The first line (starting with an @) is a read identifier,

    the second is the DNA sequence,

    the third another identifier (same as line 1, but starting with a +(or sometimes only consisting of a +))

    the fourth is a Phred quality score symbol for each base in the read.

The quality score of a base is known as a Phred or Q score. It is an integer representing the estimated probability of an error, based on the ASCII character code used by computer keyboards (http://www.ascii-code.com/). Illumina's current sequencing pipeline (as of January 2012) uses an offset of 64, so that an @ (ASCII code 64) is 0, and h (ASCII code 104) is 40 (104-64)
    (Other versions of the pipeline might use different offsets, however. If you have data with a different offset value, you will need to modify your commands accordingly to inform programs that this is the case).
The quality score for each base ranges from -5 to 40 and is defined as Qphred =-10 log10(p), where p is the estimated probability of a base call being wrong. So a Qphred of 20 corresponds to a 99 % probability of a correctly identified base.

Checking the Quality of the Sequencing reads using FASTQC

  • Using Graphical User Interface (GUI)

    Using the GUI is easy and intuitive. However it is time consuming, and cannot handle multiple files at a time (Batch processing). However, it is ideal when you want a quick look at few fastq files.
    To use the GUI, you need:
    • Have a suitable Java Runtime environmnet installed in your computer
    • Install an X11 client for your machine, such as XQuartz. If you are using MobaXTerm, this is not necessary, as X11 is part of the software.
    • Enable X11 forwarding during login, by logging in using the -X parameter
      ssh -X username@hpc.ilri.cgiar.org
    After logging in, type: module load fastqc
    After a second or two, a fastqc splash screen will appear.
    To do a QC on your file, click on File | Open | Browse to where you have saved your sequences and select them. The analysis will start immediately, and you will be able to browse through the results.

  • Using command line

    As previously illustrated, using command line interface (CLI) is much more powerful, fast and convenient when handling and processing multiple files at a go, as compared to the Graphical User Interface (GUI).

    After logging in, cd to the directory where your sequences are, then type: module load fastqc
    fastqc sequence1 sequence2 sequence3 ... sequenceN
    where sequence1 sequence2 sequence3 are the fastq sequence files.

    Alternatively, if you have many fastq files and would like to do analysis for all of them you could use an asterix ‘*’ as shown below to select all sequences with the extension ‘.fastq’. fastqc *.fastq The sequences are saved in the current directory as a HTML, and as a zip file. Download the Zip file to your local computer, Unzip it, then open the html file to visualise your result.

    To have a good understanding of the good data vs bad data, click on the following links:
  • Good quality sequences
  • Bad quality sequence

Removal of adapter sequences

Trimming your data would be the next step after looking at its quality and making judgment on what data you need to trim. From the QC reports generated by FastQC it is possible to see if you have adapter contamination. It is necessary to cleave off these adapters.
  • Adapter trimming using Scythe
  • If you have two adapters per sample in paired end sequencing one for the R1 and R2 fastq files, scythe would be a better program to use.

    You need to make an adapter.fasta file for each sample. Use vim to create this. The file should contain the adapter sequences in the below format staring with the forward then the reverse adapter sequences


    Once you have an adapter file you are ready to run scythe as below
    module load scythe
    scythe –a adapter.fasta read_R1.fastq -o read_R1.ad.fastq
    scythe –a adapter.fasta read_R2.fastq -o read_R2.ad.fastq

    You will notice that each command produces some output to your terminal, summarizing the number of reads in which adapters were detected and trimmed out.

    It can be useful to save a record of this output. You can incorporate this into the original command a way to redirect the stdERR output to a file see below
    scythe –a adapter.fasta read_R1.fastq -o read_R1.ad.fastq 2> read_R1.as.stdErr
    scythe –a adapter.fasta read_R2.fastq -o read_R2.ad.fastq 2> read_R2.as.stdErr

  • Adapter trimming using Fastx-Toolkit
  • If you have one adapter per sample fastx_clipper, a utility program under FASTX-Toolkit is a good tool to use. Ensure you are working in the directory holding your raw reads.
    module load fastx_toolkit
    fastx_clipper -a ACTTGA –i sample.fastq –o sample.ad.fastq –v –Q 33

    The above command will call the tool fastx_clipper,

    (-a) states the sequence of the adapter,
    (-i) allows you to define your input fastq file
    (-o) states what your ouput file should be named. we add the extension; ad.fastq to distinguish the input and output.
    (-v) verbose allows reports to be printed to the STDERR.

Read Trimming

Trimming your data would be the next step after looking at its quality and making judgment on what data you need to trim
We will look at how to do adapter trimming using:
  • SolexaQA
  • We will begin by trimming using solexaQA, the function DynamicTrim in the program is the read trimmer that individually crops each read to it’s longest contiguous segment for which quality scores are greater than user-supplied quality cutoff. SolexaQA plots some graphs using R so it is necessary to load it into the environment
    module load SolexaQA++
    module load R
    mkdir dynamictrim
    SolexaQA++ dynamictrim read_R1.ad.fastq -h 22 -b -d dynamictrim/ --sanger

    The above command will call the program SolexaQA and R.
    (SolexaQA++ dynamictrim) calls the dynamic trim function of the program,
    then the input / read to be process (read_R1.ad.fastq) is stated, this should be the adapter trimmed fastq file.
    (-h) allows you to state the phred quality score cutoff for trimming
    (-b) uses the BWA trimming algorithm.
    (-d) path to directory where output files are saved
    (--sanger) states the fastq format of the data in this case Sanger FASTQ format.

    This allows you to process one sample at a time but you can make a batch script that will process several samples in the background as shown below. Write out the is bash script using vim, save the script by the name dynamicTrim.sbatch and run/submit the job by running sbatch dynamicTrim.sbatch on the terminal. #!/bin/env bash
    #SBATCH -p batch
    #SBATCH -n 8
    #SBATCH -J dynamictrim
    #SBATCH -w taurus

    #load the programs needed Solexa and R
    module load SolexaQA++/3.1.3
    module load R

    # create a directory to direct your results
    rm -rf dynamictrim
    mkdir dynamictrim

    #Run fastqc on all the “.ad.fastq” files in your current directory
    for i in *.ad.fastq
    SolexaQA++ dynamictrim $i -h 22 -b -d dynamictrim/ --sanger
    After trimming with dynamic trim the trimmed files are stored in the output directory with the extension .trimmed. You can run a FastQC check on these files to see if the quality of reads is satisfactory after trimming.
  • FASTX-Toolkit
  • Fastx-toolkit can be used to filter out low quality reads using the fastq_quality_filter.
    You can as well trim sequences by base positions using fastx_trimmer. You can combine these two options using a pipe | as shown in the below command.
    module load fastx_toolkit
    fastq_quality_filter -q 20 -p 80 -Q 30 -i read_R1.ad.fastq | fastx_trimmer -f 15 -Q 30 -o read_R1.ad.trim.fastq
    The above command will:

    call the tool fastq_quality_filter,
    (-i) states the input / read to be process
    (-q) minimum quality score to keep
    (-p) Minimum percent of bases that must have
    [-q] quality
    (|) the pipe passes the results of the fastq_quality_filer to fastx_trimmer.
    its an easy way of passing results of one program to the next. The options
    (-f) states the first base to keep “any base before 15 in this case is trimmed off”
    (-l) last base to keep can also be stated if you want to trim the 3’ end of your data.
    (-o) states the output file to which results should be written.

    Ensure to get in the habit of running FastQC (or another fastq summary tool) after each remediation or processing step, to help confirm that the remediation is going as planned!
    Try this now:
       Run FastQC on the adapter-trimmed reads, and then on the adapter- and quality-trimmed reads, and examine the output.

    Adapt this script and modify accordingly for batch processing:
    for i in *.fastq;
    echo working with "$i"
    newfile="$(basename $i .fastq)"
    fastq_quality_trimmer -Q33 -v -t 20 - l 20 -i $i |fastx_clipper -Q33 -a GATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAACTCCAGTCACATCACGATCTCGTATGCCGTCTTCTGCTTG - l 20 -n -v > ${newfile}.trimmed.clipped.fastq

    That’s it! Now you’re ready to use the trimmed reads in any number of downstream pipelines. Keep in mind that you may want to trim and/or error correct differently, depending on what you’re doing downstream. For example, most aligners are tolerant of a few N’s in the sequence, but some assemblers are not flexible with N’s and ambiguous bases. If you have enough depth, it’s better to toss away reads containing N’s. There’s lots of room for experimentation and optimization. Take chances, make mistakes!

Optional: Additional steps

  1. Duplicate reads and singletons
  2. The bash script below first uses fastx_collapser to combine and count all identical reads. A FASTA-formatted file called YOURFILE_collapsed.txt is created, which is then used as an input file for a python script (fastqduplicatecounter.py) that calculates the fractions of duplicate reads and singletons. (Of course, edit the lines appropriately) for i in *.clipped.fastq;
    echo working with "$i"
    newfile="$(basename $i .trimmed.clipped.fastq)"
    fastx_collapser -Q33 -v -i $i -o temp.collapsed.txt
    python ../scripts/fastqduplicatecounter.py temp.collapsed.txt temp.collapsed.headers.txt>> ${newfile}.duplicateCount.txt
    rm temp.collapsed.headers.txt
    rm temp.collapsed.txt
    Open the files named YOURFILE_duplicatecount.txt and note what percentage of your reads is duplicates, how many different sequences you have (unique reads) and how many singletons there are. Depending on the quality of your initial tissue and sample preparation procedure, the fraction of duplicate reads can be as low as 5-10% or higher than 50 %.
  3. Quality stats
  4. Summarize quality score and nucleotide distribution data, and plot using the Galaxy web server. The bash script uses fastq_quality_stats to summarize the data in the FASTQ file by read position (1-50 or 101) into a file named YOURFILE_qualstats.txt
    Copy the lines to reflect the number of files that you are analyzing, change all the input and output file names in the script to match your data, then re-save the bash script. (As above, you will need to specify the quality score offset for each of the fastq_quality_stats commands with the –Q flag if it is not 64.) for i in *.clipped.fastq; do echo working with "$i" newfile="$(basename $i .trimmed.clipped.fastq)" fastx_quality_stats -Q33 -i $i -o ${newfile}.qualstats.txt done; Visit the Galaxy web server at http://main.g2.bx.psu.edu/. Upload the YOURFILE_qualstats.txt file under "Get Data" in the left panel.
    Plot it under NGS: QC and manipulation: Fastx Toolkit for FASTQ data. Choose files to plot under "Draw Quality Score Boxplot" and "Draw Nucleotide Distribution Chart" (you don't have to wait for one plotting job to be done before starting the next one), then save the plots on your computer. They should look something like Figures below

    Quality score boxplot of 50-bp Illumina reads (after quality trimming, Q>20), summarized by read position. Lower scores in the beginning of the reads is an artifact of the software used to calculate base quality scores.

    Nucleotide distribution chart of 50-bp Illumina reads, summarized by read position. A non-random distribution in the first 12 bases is common, and is thought to be an artifact of the random hexamer priming during sample preparation.
    If the mean quality scores are low throughout or if the nucleotides are non-randomly distributed, something could have gone wrong during sample preparation or sequencing
  5. Combine Paired Read
  6. If you have sequenced some or all of your samples with Paired-End sequencing, you will for these need to sort your two FASTQ files so that reads are in the same order in both files, and so that any reads present in one file but not the other ("orphans") get separated out into a separate file.

    Edit the paired end combiner PEcombiner.sh script here: PE combiner
    The bash script uses fastxcombinepairedend.py to sort your two FASTQ files so that the reads who are in both files will be in the same order. It also removes all reads only present in one file and saves them in another file. Notice that this script needs a SEQHEADER and a DELIMITER argument in addition to filenames.
    How do I know the SEQHEADER and DELIMITER
    In the Terminal, type head –n 1 YOURFILE_trimmed_clipped.fastq for any of your files to examine the format of the identifier line of your FASTQ files.

    SEQHEADER will be the first 4 characters of this line (including the @ symbol).
    DELIMITER will be the character separating the last part of the identifier (that tells the software if the read is a forward or reverse read) from the rest of the identifier. It is usually either a "/" or a " " (space) character.

    Enter your SEQHEADER and DELIMITER into the PECombiner.sh bash script, then copy the line to reflect the number of files/ samples / sequence files that you are analyzing, change all the input and output file names in the script to match your data and finally re-save the bash script.

    While in the folder containing your data, execute the bash script by typing: ./PECombiner.sh This will create two FASTQ files with names ending in _stillpaired and one ending in _singles for each Paired-End sample. These will be the files that you will use for downstream analysis (De novo assembly and mapping to reference) for your Paired-End samples. There are comments to guide you on the lines you need to edit, for it to successfully call the fastxcombinepairedend.py
    I: YOURFILE_trimmed_clipped#1_1.fastq (forward)
    YOURFILE_trimmed_clipped#1_2.fastq (reverse)
    O: YOURFILE_1_trimmed_clipped_stillpaired.fastq


We have now cleaned up the raw data, so that they can be used for creating a de novo assembly or for mapping against a reference.
Low quality bases and adapter sequences have been removed. We have also verified that the reads are not all identical, which would suggest an error somewhere in the sample preparation pipeline. We have also examined the trimmed dataset to make sure that quality scores are high and that nucleotides are evenly distributed.


Data analysis after removal of adaper sequences and low quality bases...

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