The goal of mapping is to create an
alignment file also known as a Sequence/Alignment Map (SAM) file for each of your samples. This SAM file will contain one line for each of the reads in your sample denoting the reference sequence (genes, contigs, or gene regions) to which it maps, the position in the reference sequence, and a Phred-scaled quality score of the mapping, among other details (Li et al. 2009).
You will use the SAM files for your samples to extract gene expression information (the number of reads that map to each reference sequence) and to identify polymorphisms across your data.
Reference Mapping using BWA
This section will diuscuss a program that we utilize in this pipeline, called BWA (Li and Durbin 2009). It uses a Burrow's Wheeler Transform method that results in much faster processing than the first wave of programs that used a hash-based algorithm such as MAQ (Li et al. 2008).
There are several parameters that can be defined for the alignment process, including:
- the number of differences allowed between reference and query (-n),
- the number of differences allowed in the seed (-k),
- the number allowed and penalty for gap openings (-o, -O), and
- the number and penalty for gap extensions (-e, -E).
Changing these parameters will change the number and quality of reads that map to reference and the time it takes to complete mapping a sample. For a complete list of the parameters and their default values go to
To optimize the parameters for your data, i.e. to obtain the highest number of high quality mapped reads, you should generate an evaluation data file (cleaned and trimmed FASTQ file from a single sample) that you can use to run through several permutations of bwa, changing a single parameter each time. You can use the
counts script from the gene expression section of this pipeline to see the number and quality of reads mapped with each set of parameters.
The number of nucleotide differences (-n) is probably the most important mapping parameter to fine-tune for your data. This should match the expected number of differences between two sequences for your species. n can be an integer (maximum edit distance, in other words the number of changes needed to convert one string to another, e.g. 5) or a fraction of missing alignments given a 2% uniform base error rate (e.g. 0.04). Counter intuitively, the larger the fraction, the fewer mismatches allowed and visa versa.
- Seed – a stretch of nucleotides within a read that are used to initiate the alignment process.
- Phred-scale – a number scale often used for quality scores; given a p-value ranging from 0 to 1 (probability of the mapping being incorrect), the Phred score is -10*log10p, rounded to the nearest integer.
On the terminal, type bwa and press enter, to get the available options for the different analysis steps
bwa index -a is ref.fa
Paired-end reads are aligned separately and then combined:
bwa aln ref readset_clean_R1.fq > readset_R1.sai
bwa aln ref readset_clean_R2.fq > readset_R2.sai
Then you need to combine the information from the two files:
bwa sampe ref readset_R1.sai readset_R2.sai readset_clean_R1.fq readset_clean_R2.fq > readset_ref_bwa.sam
The next steps involve creating a bam files which is a binary sam file (takes less space). Samtools is a critical tool in the arsenal for dealing with the alignment file (sam file).
samtools view -S readset_ref_bwa.sam -b -o readset_ref_bwa.bam
or to remove unmapped reads at this stage
samtools view -F 4 -Sbh readset_ref_bwa.sam > readset_ref_bwa.bam
You can open up the bam file mapped onto the reference in tablet and visualize the alignment but first you need to sort it and create and index of the bam file
samtools sort readset_ref_bwa.bam readset_ref_bwa
samtools index readset_ref_bwa.bam
If you want to export the unmapped reads, I use bam2fastq. The # is needed when dealing with paired-end to export the unmapped reads from the bam assembly
bam2fastq --no-aligned --force --strict -o readset_ref_unmapped#.fq readset_ref_bwa.bam
Create the consensus. BEWARE samtools has changed a lot and these commands may no longer work. The "bcftools call" command that replaces it produces unexpected results.
samtools mpileup -uf ref.fa readset_ref_bwa.bam | bcftools view -cg - | vcf2fq > readset_ref_bwa_cons.fq
Increase sensitivity of samtools using -E especially when you have multiple nucleotide polymorphisms, for example if you have virus intra-host diversity
samtools mpileup -E -uf ref.fa readset_ref_bwa.bam | bcftools view -cg - | vcf2fq > readset_ref_bwa_E_cons.fq
Convert the fastq format to fasta using seqret from emboss
seqret -osformat fasta readset_ref_bwa_E_cons.fq -out2 readset_ref_bwa_E_cons.fa
Reference mapping using Stampy
Stampy is another alignment tool which allows variation (particularly insertion/deletions) and thus can be used if you do not have a closely related reference. Create stampy reference, index and hash table:
stampy -G ref ref.fa
stampy -g ref -H ref
Stampy does mapping of paired-end reads together and you can set the divergence for mapping to a foreign reference with --substitutionrate option (default 0.001); Create bam file and consensus as before;
stampy -g ref -h ref -M readset_clean_R1.fq,readset_clean_R2.fq -o readset_stampy.sam -f sam --substitutionrate=0.05
Creation of BAM file and Consensus as before
samtools view -S readset_stampy.sam -b -o readset_stampy.bam
samtools sort readset_stampy.bam readset_stampy
samtools index readset_stampy.bam
bam2fastq --no-aligned --force --strict -o readset_stampy_unmapped#.fq readset_stampy.bam
Be careful with the following commands as samtools and bcftools has changed in newer versions:
samtools mpileup -E -uf ref.fa readset_stampy.bam | bcftools view -cg - | vcf2fq > readset_ref_stampy_E_cons.fq
seqret -osformat fasta readset_ref_stampy_E_cons.fq -out2 readset_ref_stampy_E_cons.fa
Example script
bwa index -a bwtsw 1000.fasta
bwa aln 1000.fasta ERR244000_1.fastq > aln_sa1b.sai
bwa aln 1000.fasta ERR244000_2.fastq > aln_sa2b.sai
bwa sampe 1000.fasta aln_sa1b.sai aln_sa2b.sai ERR244000_1.fastq ERR244000_2.fastq > readset_refb_bwa.sam
samtools view -bS -o readset_refb_bwa.bam readset_refb_bwa.sam
samtools sort readset_refb_bwa.bam readset_refb_bwa.sorted
samtools index readset_refb_bwa.sorted.bam
samtools mpileup -d8000 -uf 1000.fasta readset_refb_bwa.sorted.bam | bcftools call -c | vcf2fq > cnsnew.fq
Reference mapping using Bowtie
As we have seen above, step 1 involves Build Index.
The reference genome must first be "indexed" so that reads may be quickly aligned. Please be aware that if you want to use pre-indexed reference, bowtie2 indexes are different than "bowtie" indexes. To make your own from FASTA files, do the following:
- Download FASTA files for the unmasked genome of interest if you haven't already (eg. from UCSC).
Do NOT use masked sequences. Concatenate FASTA files into a single file. We can do this using the UNIX cat command, which merges files together
cat *.fa > genome.fa
From the directory containing the genome.fa file, run the "bowtie2-build" command.
The default options usually work well for most genomes. For example, for hg19:
bowtie2-build genome.fa hg19
This command will create 6 files with a *.bt2 file extension. These will then be used by bowtie2 or newer versions of tophat to map data.
Copy the *.bt2 files to the bowtie2 indexes directory (or somewhere you can store them) so that bowtie2 knows where to find them later:
cp *.bt2 /path-to-bowtie-programs/indexes/
- Align sequences with bowtie (perform for each experiment):
The most common output format for high-throughput sequencing is FASTQ format, which contains information about the sequence (A,C,G,Ts) and quality information which describes how certain the sequencer is of the base calls that were made. In the case of Illumina sequencing, the output is usually a "s_1_sequence.txt" file. More recently the Illumina pipeline will output a file that is debarcoded with your sample name such as "Experiment1.fastq". In addition, much of the data available in the SRA, the primary archive of high-throughput sequencing data, is in this format.
To use bowtie2 to map this data, run the following command:
bowtie2 -p <# cpu> -x >
Reference mapping using CLC genomics workbench
CLC has a point-and-click graphical user interface and is very easy to use. The algorithm behid it is De Bruijn graphs to join reads together. More information about the the assembly algorithm works can be found
It is useful to try to perform several assemblies with your dataset, with varying parameter values (especially the mismatch costs), to see how the results differ.
ssh -X
After logging in, type:
A better way of doing this is typing the first few letters and pressing the [TAB] key for auto completion.
After a second or two, the CLC genomics splash screen will appear.
The parameters we use in the description below is only to serve as a guide.
The objectives of this section are to:
1) import our reads into CLC,
2) Map the reads to a reference sequence,
3) examine the properties of the newly-created assembly, and
4) export our assembly from CLC.
Importing data into CLC workspace
Import the quality-trimmed, adapter-clipped FASTQ files pre-processed into CLC.
Note: If your reads haven't been pre-processed (adapter removal, or trimmed,
follow the guidelines here)
File - Import High-Throughput sequencing data - Illumina
Reference mapping
Follow these steps
Toolbox - NGS CORE TOOLS - Map Reads to Reference - Next
Click on the "Browse" button to select the reference sequenece and click
next. For starters, you can use the default mapping settings/ parameters show n on the Wizard. Click
Click in the radio button beside Create reads track.
Click in the box beside Create report so there is a check mark in it.
Click in the box beside Collect unmapped reads so there is a check mark in it.
Choose to Save the results. After clicking next you will select a loaction to save the mapping.
- List of non-mapped reads: These are the reads that did not match the reference sequence.
You can use this list to investigate contamination in the sample or structural differences
between the sequencing data and the reference sequence. Typically you will do a de novo
assembly of these reads and then use BLAST to investigate the contigs
- Report: The report shows information about the mapping. Most importantly, it shows the
number of reads that matched the reference sequence.
- MappingThe mapping itself shows the alignment of all the reads to the reference.
Click on the mapping object to view it. to include the reference sequence, it must be converted to tracks
Toolbox | Track tools | Convert to tracks
For a comprehensive guide on mapping reference,
See the CLC Guide here and
also here