Welcome to BecA bioinformatics page

This portal serves to introduce various bioinformatics resources and tools to aid ABCF placements analyse and intepret their data.

Bioinformatics Modules


Introduction to Bioinformatics

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Linux for biology

This module is designed for scientists hoping to analyze genomic datasets, but who have no experience with the UNIX computing environment or common genomic analysis tools.


Basic sequence analysis

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Pairwise and Multiple sequence alignments

Sequence alignment is a widely used bioinformatic technique to try to align several related sequences to find residues / bases which are conserved between sequences and which are variable. Conserved residues may be an essential part of the active site of an enzyme for example, and variable residues could be part of a 'generic' alpha helix.


Phylogeny and evolutionary relationships

Praesent accumsan porta odio eget hendrerit. Lorem ipsum dolor forever and rvrt sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam ut nunc nisl, in pellentesque mi.


Population Genetics

Population genetics is the study of the distributions and changes of allele frequencies in a population, as it is subject to four main processes: mutation, selection, genetic drift and genetic recombination.


Advanced: Functional genomics

Presentation from Canadian Bionformatics Wortkshop
Covers: Basics of NGS data analysis- alignments, NGS formats, visualisation and pipelines

Presentation from Canadian Bionformatics Wortkshop
Covers: Expression and Differential Expression- RPKM/FPKM; cuffmerge/ cuffdiff; cummeRbund

Presentation from Canadian Bionformatics Wortkshop
Covers: Isoform discovery and alternative expression: Cufflinks

Presentation from University of Leipzig : Comprehensive NGS analysis


Advanced: Genotyping by Sequencing

Genotyping by sequencing is cost-effective for populations with complex genomes or limited available resources