#!/usr/bin/env python import sys #####Authors: Team Ladner-Barshis-Tepolt ######Usage######## ######This script takes a set of separate quality trimmed paired end .fastq files ######and pairs the reads that still have a mate and combined the solitary reads ######into a single file of orphans for input into denovo assembly software (e.g. CLC Genomics). ######Command line usage: fastqcombinepairedend.py 'the seqheader text' 'the delimiter text' infiledirection1.fastq infiledirection2.fastq seqheader=sys.argv[1] paireddelim=sys.argv[2] in1=sys.argv[3] in2=sys.argv[4] filecount=0 pairedlist=[] for file in infilelist: if filecount==0: firstname=file filecount+=1 else: secondname=file filecount=0 pairedlist.append((firstname,secondname)) #Opens an infile specified by the user. IN1 = open(sys.argv[3], 'r') IN2 = open(sys.argv[4], 'r') #Opens an output text file as specified by user SIN = open('%s_trimmed_clipped_singles.fastq'%(sys.argv[3][:-23]), 'w') #Unpaired reads from both directions for CLC PAIR1 = open('%s_trimmed_clipped_stillpaired.fastq'%(sys.argv[3][:-6]), 'w') #Read one of paired reads for CLC PAIR2 = open('%s_trimmed_clipped_stillpaired.fastq'%(sys.argv[4][:-6]), 'w') #Read two of paired reads for CLC names1=[] names2=[] seqs1={} seqs2={} quals1={} quals2={} linenum1=0 #Starts a for loop to read through the infile line by line for line in IN1: line = line.rstrip() linenum1+=1 #sets count to 1 when it finds the header before a sequence if line[0:4]==seqheader: line=line.split(paireddelim) name=line[0][1:] # print name names1.append(name) count = 0 else: if count==1: seqs1[name]=line if count==3: quals1[name]=line count=count+1 # print linenum1 print 'finished reading in: %s' %(setoffiles[0]) for line in IN2: # print 2 line = line.rstrip() #sets count to 1 when it finds the header before a sequence if line[0:4]==seqheader: line=line.split(paireddelim) name=line[0][1:] names2.append(name) count = 0 else: if count==1: seqs2[name]=line if count==3: quals2[name]=line count=count+1 # print 'here' print 'finished reading in: %s'%(setoffiles[0]) paired = list(set(names1) & set(names2)) # print len(paired) print 'number of paired reads: %d'%(len(paired)) single = list(set(names1) ^ set(names2)) # print len(single) single1 = list(set(single) & set(names1)) # print len(single1) print 'number of single reads left from %s: %d'%(setoffiles[0],len(single1)) single2 = list(set(single) & set(names2)) # print len(single2) print 'number of single reads left from %s: %d'%(setoffiles[1],len(single2)) # for label in paired: # PAIR.write('@' + str(label) + '1\n' + str(seqs1[label]) + '\n+' + str(label) + '1\n' + str(quals1[label]) + '\n@' + str(label) + '2\n' + str(seqs2[label]) + '\n+' + str(label) + '2\n' + str(quals2[label]) + '\n') for label in single1: SIN.write('@' + str(label) + '1\n' + str(seqs1[label]) + '\n+' + str(label) + '1\n' + str(quals1[label]) + '\n') for label in single2: SIN.write('@' + str(label) + '2\n' + str(seqs2[label]) + '\n+' + str(label) + '2\n' + str(quals2[label]) + '\n') for label in paired: PAIR1.write('@' + str(label) + '1\n' + str(seqs1[label]) + '\n+' + str(label) + '1\n' + str(quals1[label]) + '\n') PAIR2.write('@' + str(label) + '2\n' + str(seqs2[label]) + '\n+' + str(label) + '2\n' + str(quals2[label]) + '\n') IN1.close() IN2.close() SIN.close() PAIR1.close() PAIR2.close()