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Clean SNP file
Read the file making sure explicitly tell it to delimit using tab and header is true Remember to save the file as a tab delimited text file.
read.table("Draft sent to Manny.txt", sep="\t", header=T, row.names=1)->draft
To count na use The number of True can be counted.
apply(, 2, sum) ->
Identify columns that have ⇐ 7% of missing data
draft[ ,which( <= 0.07*nrow(draft)) ] -> draft.goodsnps
Do same for genotype
apply(, 1, sum) -> draft.goodsnps[<=0.07*ncol(draft.goodsnps),]->draft.goodsnps.goodgen
To remove the regions column and only save the snps.
snponly=draft.goodsnps.goodgen[,2:1259] row.names(snponly)=row.names(draft.goodsnps.goodgen)
Check frequency of the different alleles
mkatari-bioinformatics-august-2013-cleansnp.txt · Last modified: 2013/08/19 14:33 by mkatari