Workshop Evaluation

Check the box with suitable response to the questions below.

1 The workshop was well organised: Strongly agree:
Strongly disagree:

2 The workshop met my expectations/needs: Strongly agree:
Strongly disagree:

3 Bioinformatics Instructions were clear: Strongly agree:
Strongly disagree:

4 The time allocated for the workshop components was appropriate: Strongly agree:
Strongly disagree:

5 Would you recommend this workshop to your colleague? Yes

How do you assess rate knowledge gained during the different sessions of the workshop?

On a scale of 1-5 (1=lowest and 5=highest) rank you knowledge/skills before and after the workshop

1. Rank your skills in LINUX

Before After

2. Rank your knowledge in Bioinformatics data management and Analysis

Before After

3. Rank your knowledge in Visualising and Analysing Whole Genomes

Before After

4. Rank your skills in CLC Genomic Workbench

Before After

5. Rank your Knowledge in NGS Technologies and Data Management

Before After

6. Rank your Knowledge in Genome Annotation

Before After

7. Rank your Knowledge in Metagenome Analysis

Before After

8. Rank your Knowledge in GBS

Before After

9. Rank your Knowledge in Phylogenetics

Before After

How do you assess the different sessions of the workshop? Please comment on the following:

Are there areas of the workshop that need be EMPHASIZED ?

Are there areas of the workshop that need to be DE-EMPHASIZED ?

Which session(s) would you have liked to have more time for?

Which session(s) would you have liked to have less time for?

Will you be able to apply the skills learnt in your research
If 'no', please explain why

After the training course and receiving the course material, do you feel confident to train other individuals in you home institution? Please comment:

Comment on the accomodation and food at pride inn, and the food at ILRI

Comment on the conference room and the laboratory facilities at the workshop.

How can the workshop be improved ?

Additional comments or suggestions about this workshop.

Name (optional):

BecA-ILRI Hub | 2014.