This is the old start page. As of April 25, 2013 it has been moved here to make room for newer, cleaner content and hierarchical structure
ILRI Research Computing
This is the ILRI Research Computing wiki. Here you'll find information about all aspects of the research computing infrastructure, including tutorials and usage information for users. Please use this wiki to document all changes you make to servers, services, and applications.
Software resources at ILRI, broken up into loosely-related areas:
Scheduling – software for managing cluster resources
To move/reorganize:
genvar, a pipeline designed to analyze an annotated genome
Form Tools: Automated form processing and reporting
DIY → Do-It-Yourself! Annotator
Chado, the relational database schema
AMOS, infrastructure for developing assembly tools
WindowMasker, identify and mask repetitive DNA sequences in a genome
RepeatMasker, screen DNA sequences for interspersed repeats and low complexity DNA sequences
GAAS, calculate accurate community composition and average genome size in metagenomes by using BLAST, advanced parsing of hits and correction of genome length bias
Bio-Linux, a Ubuntu derivative with common Bioinformatics tools
seqclean, a script for automated trimming and validation of ESTs or other DNA sequences by screening for various contaminants, low quality and low-complexity sequences.
apcupsd - Auto-shutdown on power failure using acupsd
Notes from various group brainstorm sessions.
Tips and tricks
E-mail questions, comments, or corrections to the maintainers of this wiki: