Please complete all the fields with asterisk (*) :

Personal Details

* First name * Surname
* Nationality * Country where you are currently employed or residing
* Year of Birth * Email
* Telephone number * Gender
Male: Female:

Employment/Professional Details

* Name of Institute/Organisation and Department
* Your current position
(e.g. Lab Technician, Assistant research officer, Group leader, Scientist, Others (please specify)
Link to Institutional website
(if available)
* Full institute/Organization mailing address

Rank your proficiency in the below skills

* English language proficiency-Written
* English language proficiency-Spoken

Research speciality and Publications

* Briefly describe your speciality / research area and experience. Please include details on your current role(s) at your research institution, and how this training would benefit you and your research programme, department and institution as a whole.
(200 words maximum)
* Please tell us about the crop species and type(s) of genetically structured population(s) you work on, the type of sequence data you have available, and the types of molecular markers that you currently use. (max. 200 words)
* Please state which sequencing platforms available in your institution, or which you have access to? Example: Illumina DNA/RNA-seq, ABI / Sanger, Ion Torrent Amplicon seq
* Please state some of the bioinformatics tools (softwares and databases) you have used
* Please list the titles and funding sources of research projects that you are currently working on: (200 words maximum)
* Have you previously attended a BecA workshop or received a BecA-Africa Biosciences Challenge Fund Fellowship?
Yes: No:
If so, give details:

Do you have access to the following equipment/resources at your home institute?

Reagents and equipment for DNA extraction from plants?
Yes: No:

Funds to purchase reagents for molecular biology?
Yes: No:

FRET (fluorescent resonant energy transfer) capable plate reader or qPCR machine?
Yes: No:

Good internet connectivity?
Yes: No:

Reliable electricity supply?
Yes: No: