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Subversion (SVN) uses a centralized model to manage software projects. Collaborators check the source code out from the repository to their local development environments, make changes, then check code back in.

The repository can be on the local machine or a remote server, as SVN supports several protocols (svn://, http:// using Apache's mod_dav_svn module, file://, etc)..


$ sudo aptitude install subversion

Configure Apache:

Create a New Project

On The Server

Create the project skeleton (the name isn't important, it is only a folder in the file system):

$ sudo mkdir /tmp/myproject
$ sudo mkdir /tmp/myproject/{branches,tags,trunk}

Create the SVN repository, :

$ sudo mkdir /mnt/repositories/myproject
$ sudo svnadmin create /mnt/repositories/myproject

Import the initial project skeleton:

$ svn import /tmp/myproject/ file:///mnt/repositories/myproject/ -m "Initial import of project skeleton"

Clean up temp files and repository permissions. The repository needs www-data permissions because Apache will be serving our repository for us:

$ sudo rm -rf /tmp/myproject
$ sudo find /mnt/repositories/myproject/ -type f -exec chmod 660 {} \;
$ sudo find /mnt/repositories/myproject/ -type d -exec chmod 2770 {} \;
$ sudo chown -R root.www-data /mnt/repositories/myproject/

Tell Apache to use /svn/myproject URLs with the dav_svn module, /etc/apache2/conf.d/svn.conf:

<Location /svn/myproject>
    DAV svn 
    SVNPath /mnt/repositories/myproject
    AuthzSVNAccessFile /mnt/repositories/authz_svn_access

    AuthName "Microsoft Active Directory Authentication"
    AuthType Basic

    PerlAuthenHandler Apache2::AuthenMSAD
    PerlSetVar MSADDomain
    PerlSetVar MSADServer

    # require any valid AD user to access the repo via Apache,
    # then use fine-grained controls in the AuthzSVNAccessFile
    # above. See:
    require valid-user

    # Or, use specific (but dumb) controls here in the Apache
    # config file instead of the AuthzSVNAccessFile above.
    #require user aorth akihara

Gracefully restart Apache to enable the changes:

$ sudo apache2ctl graceful

On The Client

Check out the development branch ("trunk") to a local folder ("myproject"):

$ cd code/
$ svn co --username=aorth myproject

Import your existing code base ("mycode") into the project:

$ cd myproject
$ cp -R /home/aorth/mycode/* .
$ svn add *
$ svn commit -m "Initial import of codebase"

Ignoring Files and Folders

Sometimes you need to ignore certain files/folders (logs, temp files, etc) so that SVN doesn't try to commit those changes when it finds new files. For example: ignore everything in our project's tmp folder:

$ svn propedit svn:ignore tmp/

And then place a single "*" in the text editor to ignore everything in the tmp folder. Otherwise, you can do something like "*.log" to ignore all log files.

Tagging Releases

From trunk

$ cd myproject/
$ svn copy .

Switch a working copy to a certain release:

$ svn sw
project_management/subversion.1580388776.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/30 12:52 by aorth