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In this exercise we will practice our R-coding skills by analyzing a sample microarray dataset to create a Volcano plot. A volcano plot is a great visual aid to identify genes that are differentially expressed. The Log Fold Change is plotted on the x-axis and the -1 * Log base 10 of the p-value from a statistical test is plotted on the y-axis. Significantly differentially expressed genes have a p-value less than a cutoff (usually 0.05) and a log fold change of atleast 1.5x (plus or minus).
We will separate the exercise into 5 different steps.
expvalues = read.table("expvalues.txt", header=T)
expvaluesfc = numeric() for (i in 1:nrow(expvalues)) { trtmean = mean(as.numeric(expvalues[i,4:6])) ctrlmean=mean(as.numeric(expvalues[i,1:3])) expvaluesfc[i] = log2(trtmean/ctrlmean) }
expvaluestt= numeric() for (j in 1:nrow(expvalues)) { t.test(as.numeric(expvalues[j,1:3]), as.numeric(expvalues[j,4:6]), var.equal=TRUE)-> expvaluestt[j]$p.value }
expvalueslog = -1*log(expvaluestt) plot(expvaluesfc, expvalueslog) abline(v=-1, col="blue") abline(v=1, col="blue") abline(h=29.95, col="red")
expvaluefc2tt05 = expvaluesfc > 1 & expvaluestt < 0.05 expvalues[which(expvaluefc2tt05),]->inducedGenes boxplot(inducedGenes)