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Phytozome is an excellent source of annotation and predicted go-term for genes of your plant species. Unfortunately not all of the species have an annotation database set to be used for GOStats. The functions below provide a simple way to create your own Gene Set Enrichment object which can be used in GoStats.

First you need to create the functions phytozome2gostats and runGostats shown below.

phytozome2gostats<-function(annofile, speciesname) {

    # annofile is the path to the go-term association file.
    # speciesname is the name to provide the GSEA dataset you will be creating.

    # The annotation file is expected to be in Phytozome format where
    # second row columns is the gene and the tenth column is the GO-term.
    # Please change the column definition below accrounding to format of your go association file.

    # initialize vectors
    #loop row by to get all the go-terms.
    for (i in 1:nrow(justGeneGo)) {

        # The phytozome format also expects multiple GO-terms associated with the
        # the gene to be in one line separated by commas. Please change this if necessary
        for (eachgo in go) {
            for (eachgene in gene) {
                Evidence[simple_counter]="ISO" #Default GO-term evidence for simplicity.

    #This data frame is what is needed for the GOFram function. If you already have it so that one gene is associated with one GO-term per line, then you can skip the loop above.
    goframeData = data.frame(go_id, Evidence, gene_id)
    gsc <- GeneSetCollection(goAllFrame, setType = GOCollection())


runGostats<-function(gsc, geneids, geneuniverse, ont="BP", pval=0.05) {
# this code is for running the gsc created with phytozome to gostats script.
# gsc is the object retruned from phytozome to gostats
# geneids is the list of genes in your list
# geneuniverse is the list of all genes in the genome
# the default for ontology is Bioloigical Process.
# the default for adjusted p-value cutoff is 0.05
    params <- GSEAGOHyperGParams(name="My Custom GSEA based annot Params",
                               geneIds = geneids,
                               universeGeneIds = geneuniverse,
                               ontology = ont,
                               pvalueCutoff = 1,
                               conditional = TRUE,
                               testDirection = "over")

    #conditional=TRUE means only show parent if the go-term is significantly different from child term
  Over <- hyperGTest(params)
    allGoterms = summary(Over)

    # correct p-values for multiple hypothesis testing.
  adjpvalues = p.adjust(allGoterms$Pvalue, method="BH")
  allGoterms$Pvalue = adjpvalues
  colnames(allGoterms)[2] = "adjPvalue"
  adjGoterms = allGoterms[adjpvalues < pval,]

The phytozome2gostats script assumes that the Phytozome format has Gene IDS in the second column and the GO-terms in the tenth column. It also assumes that the GO-terms are comma separated. The script also needs a name to assign to your dataset, please use a name that describes your species.

gsc = phytozome2gostats("Macuminata_304_v1.annotation_info.txt",
                        "Musa acuminata")

Now we simply provide our genelist, which is normally obtained from differential expression analysis or clustering, and use all gene names from our gene count matrix as the background to identify GO-terms that are significant. The script will not perform an filtering, it is up to you to do that.

musa_universe = row.names(allcounts)
musa_genes = row.names(time12ddsMat_gentrt_res_sig)

res_sig_goterms = runGostats(gsc, musa_genes, musa_universe)