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virtualbox [2010/02/18 12:37] [2017/07/03 11:22] (current) – removed aorth
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-===== VirtualBox ===== 
-VirtualBox is a free/opensource Hypervisor from Sun Microsystems.  It has performance on par with VMware and is very mature.  We have two virtualization servers, [[biovbox]] and biovboxtesting. 
-  * [[|VirtualBox homepage]] 
-===== Create a VM ===== 
-Copy an ISO to your home directory: 
-<code>$scp ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso alan@</code> 
-  * SSH to VM server: 
-<code>$ ssh alan@</code> 
-  * start the virtualbox application 
-<code>$ VirtualBox</code> 
-  * Follow the wizard to create a VM with the following properties: 
-      - Base Memory: less than 512 MB 
-      - Network : NAT 
-      - Hard disk size: less than 30Gb 
-===== Networking ===== 
-==== Bridged Networking ==== 
-If your guest is using bridged networking you MUST use this command to allow other users to use the host's physical network card.  Make sure your virtual machine is shut down and then run this command: 
-<code>VBoxManage setextradata MyMachine VBoxInternal/Devices/pcnet/0/LUN#0/Config/RestrictAccess 0</code> 
-Each and every VM using bridged networking must use this command.  If you are seeing errors like ''VERR_PERMISSION_DENIED'' regarding the network interface, this is the cause! 
-As of VirtualBox 3.1.2 this is still a [[|known issue]]. 
-==== Port Forwarding ==== 
-If your guest OS is using NAT for networking and you want to access services like Apache or SSH, you will need to enable port forwarding.  There is no GUI for this in VirtualBox, but you can use ''VBoxManage setextradata'' to make the required changes.  If you want to SSH to your VM, for example: 
-<code>$ VBoxManage setextradata Ubuntu "VBoxInternal/Devices/pcnet/0/LUN#0/Config/ssh/HostPort" 2223 
-$ VBoxManage setextradata Ubuntu "VBoxInternal/Devices/pcnet/0/LUN#0/Config/ssh/GuestPort" 22 
-$ VBoxManage setextradata Ubuntu "VBoxInternal/Devices/pcnet/0/LUN#0/Config/ssh/Protocol" TCP</code> 
-Then you can log in to the VM from your own computer using the port you've forwarded above: 
-<code>$ ssh -p 2223 username@</code> 
-===== Updating VirtualBox ===== 
-To update VirtualBox to a new version you must shutdown all the running VMs.  You can do this by first looking to see which VMs are running (''ps auxw | grep VBox'') and then shutting down or saving the state of each one. 
-<file>[jmagochi@biovbox ~]$ VBoxManage controlvm CentOS savestate 
-VirtualBox Command Line Management Interface Version 3.0.8 
-(C) 2005-2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 
-All rights reserved. 
-[jmagochi@biovbox ~]$ sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv stop 
-$ yum install virtualbox-3.1 
-===== Commonly-used commands ===== 
-==== List your VMs ==== 
-<code>$ VBoxManage list vms</code> 
-==== List your running VMs ==== 
-<code>$ VBoxManage list runningvms </code> 
-==== Autostart VMs at host boot ==== 
-How do I get my VirtualBox Guest VM’s to start and stop when the host system reboots, shutdown, or starts. 
-Solution / Answer: 
-Create an init.d script so that VirtualBox Guest VM are controlled as a system service. 
-Create Config File for vboxcontrol service script 
-# mkdir /etc/virtualbox 
-# touch /etc/virtualbox/machines_enabled 
-The file “machines_enabled” located in “/etc/virtualbox” is where we list the names of the Guest VM’s that we want vboxcontrol to control. 
-To get a list of your current Guest VM names execute the following command and notice the name is in ” “: 
-$ VBoxManage list vms 
-"Centos_HDLES_x86_1" {5087b02a-5816-4c76-b302-c13175623023} 
-"Centos_HDLES_x86_3" {bcae660a-f627-46d6-8c95-9da97363eeea} 
-"Centos_HDLES_LAMP" {3907173c-cc15-4820-a930-f0bb3c13cb7e} 
-Add Guest VM’s to “machines_enabled” include one VM name per line 
-# vi /etc/virtualbox/machines_enabled 
-Add VirtualBox VM Service script 
-Create new init.d service script file and give execute permissions 
-# touch /etc/init.d/vboxcontrol 
-# chmod 755 /etc/init.d/vboxcontrol 
-Copy the following code into file “/etc/init.d/vboxcontrol” 
-#! /bin/sh 
-# vboxcontrol   Startup script for VirtualBox Virtual Machines 
-# chkconfig: 345 98 02 
-# description: Manages VirtualBox VMs 
-# processname: vboxcontrol 
-# pidfile: /var/run/vboxcontrol/ 
-# Version 20090301 by Kevin Swanson <> based on: 
-# Version 2008051100 by Jochem Kossen <> 
-# Released in the public domain 
-# This file came with a README file containing the instructions on how 
-# to use this script. 
-# Source function library. 
-if [ -f /etc/init.d/functions ] ; then 
-. /etc/init.d/functions 
-elif [ -f /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions ] ; then 
-. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions 
-exit 1 
-export PATH="${PATH:+$PATH:}/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin" 
-if [ -f $VBOXDIR/config ]; then 
-. $VBOXDIR/config 
-SU="su $VM_USER -c" 
-VBOXMANAGE="VBoxManage -nologo" 
-# Determine if USE_NAT is set to "yes" 
-use_nat() { 
-if [ "$USE_NAT" = "yes" ]; then 
-return `true` 
-return `false` 
-log_failure_msg() { 
-echo $1 
-log_action_msg() { 
-echo $1 
-# Check for running machines every few seconds; return when all machines are 
-# down 
-wait_for_closing_machines() { 
-RUNNING_MACHINES=`$SU "$VBOXMANAGE list runningvms" | wc -l` 
-if [ $RUNNING_MACHINES != 0 ]; then 
-sleep 5 
-# RUN 
-case "$1" in 
-if [ -f /etc/virtualbox/machines_enabled ]; then 
-cat /etc/virtualbox/machines_enabled | while read VM; do 
-log_action_msg "Starting VM: $VM ..." 
-$SU "$VBOXMANAGE startvm "$VM" -type vrdp" 
-touch /var/lock/subsys/vboxcontrol 
-# NOTE: this stops all running VM's. Not just the ones listed in the 
-# config 
-$SU "$VBOXMANAGE list runningvms" | while read VM; do 
-log_action_msg "Shutting down VM: $VM ..." 
-$SU "$VBOXMANAGE controlvm "$VM" acpipowerbutton" 
-rm -f /var/lock/subsys/vboxcontrol 
-log_action_msg "Starting VM: $2 ..." 
-$SU "$VBOXMANAGE startvm "$2" -type vrdp" 
-log_action_msg "Stopping VM: $2 ..." 
-$SU "$VBOXMANAGE controlvm "$2" acpipowerbutton" 
-log_action_msg "Powering off VM: $2 ..." 
-$SU "$VBOXMANAGE controlvm "$2" poweroff" 
-echo "The following virtual machines are currently running:" 
-$SU "$VBOXMANAGE list runningvms" | while read VM; do 
-echo -n "$VM (" 
-echo -n `$SU "VBoxManage showvminfo ${VM%% *}|grep Name:|sed -e 's/^Name:s*//g'"` 
-echo ')' 
-echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|status|start-vm <VM 
-name>|stop-vm <VM name>|poweroff-vm <VM name>}" 
-exit 3 
-exit 0 
-Add vboxcontrol service to chkconfig registry 
-# chkconfig --add vboxcontrol 
-Tell chkconfig to create symlinks for runlevels and activate service vboxcontrol 
-# chkconfig vboxcontrol on 