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Africa Biosciences Challenge Fund (ABCF) - 2016 / 2017

Application Form
Please complete all the fields with asterisk (*) :
* First Name
* Surname
* Nationality
* Country where you are currently
employed or residing
* Gender Male: Female:
* Age
* Name of Home Institue and Department
* Your current position
(e.g. Student, Postdoc, Scientist)
* Office telephone number
* Mobile telephone number
* Email
Link to Institutional website
(if available)
* Full Institute mailing address
* Highest degree awarded
* University that awarded your highest degree
* Date highest degree awarded
* Are you currently studying for a higher degree? State which degree (MSc or PhD)
* English language profeciency-Written
* English language profeciency-Spoken
* Briefly describe your speciality / research area (250 words maximum)


Briefly describe your research interests and experience: (250 words maximum)


List the titles and funding sources of research projects that you are currently working on: (250 words maximum)


Describe your role(s) at your institution and how exactly this fellowship would benefit your research programme, department and institution as a whole (e.g. how will you use the skills in research or in training? How will your research outputs contribute to agricultural development nationally and regionally?) (250 words maximum)


List the patners / patnerships (national and regional) involved in this project or other related research that you are currently conducting (250 words maximum)


Examples of your recent publications: (5 maximum)


Provide information on any previous activities with the BecA-ILRI Hub (e.g have you previously received an ABCF Fellowship, attended a training workshop organised by BecA-ILRI Hub, or conducted any other research or training with BecA-ILRI Hub?)
(250 words maximum)

Curriculum vitae
*Upload CV using the attached format. Workshop Applicant CV Format (click to download)
(maximum 1MB):

Research Project Proposal
*Upload research project proposal using the attached format. Research Project Proposal Format (click to download)
(maximum 1MB):

Institutional Support Letter
*Upload a signed and dated institutional support letter obtained from the head of your institute or department.
(maximum 1MB):
The support letter must:

• Include signature and institute letterhead;

• Confirm that the applicant is a full-time member of staff or have a strong affiliation with the institute;

• State the role of the applicant at the institute;

• Include the title of the applicants research project proposal;

• Describe how the ABCF fellowship would benefit the applicant, their research program, and/or their institute and department (and            patners,) the significance of the research in national and regional context;

• State that the head of the institute/department has read and understood this application in its entirety;