The contribution of scientific research and its impact on agricultural policy development in Kenya

Date: 28th September - 3rd October 2012

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Questionnaire Form

Research questions addressed by this questionnaire:
a. What is the contribution of researchers towards policy development?
b. What are the difficulties experienced in pushing for research findings to be put into policy?
c. Are the researchers’ voices heard in policy development and formulation?

Please complete all the fields with asterisk ('*') :
1. Are you a policy maker? Yes               No
Please tick one Government Private Sector
2. Academic qualifications
Other (please specify): 
3. Do you consider scientific evidence to be useful in informing policy-decisions?
Explain your answer in the text box provided                                       


Who should inform policy-makers on scientific evidence?

Academic journals
Lobby organisations
General press
Other media
All of the above
Other (please, specify):
5. Do you think policy-makers, in their decision-making should consult researchers directly?
Yes. If yes, how ?        

No. If no , how ?         


Which are the main obstacles in consulting researchers on policy matters?

Lack of tradition in collaborating
Different jargon/discourse
Legal barriers
Timing on communication: time scale of policy-makers
Lack of communication channels
All of the above
Other (please, specify):


Which are the main factors hindering the uptake of research based-evidence by policy makers?

Lack of incentive recognition of researchers’ work
Researchers do not address concerns of policy makers
Lack of collaboration between research institute and policy making bodies
Other (please, specify):


Do you agree with the idea that scientific evidence is never directly transmissible to policy-makers?:
(250 words maximum)


Which are the most appropriate bodies to act as an intermediary between researchers and policy-makers?

Scientific committees
Professional associations
Specialists in knowledge transfer
NGOs and other civil society organizations
All of the above
Other (please, specify):


Do you think that there is a gap in the collaboration between the scientific community and policy-makers?:
(200 words maximum)

Yes. If yes, how can this gap be bridged?


Do you think that research findings on agricultural issues are useful to policy-makers when they undertake an impact assessment, and if so, how?:
(250 words maximum)


Do you think that agricultural research programmes in Kenya accurately transmit the results of scientific evidence in an efficient way to policy-makers? (200 words maximum)

No. If no, why?


Is there a need for a special body that would be responsible for feeding scientific evidence to policy-makers?



Considering that most agricultural research projects are donor funded what actions would be put forward by these organizations/agencies to achieve a better uptake of research results by national governments? (250 words maximum)


Which are the most appropriate mechanisms for efficient knowledge transfer?

Policy dialogue panels which provide a context for sharing ideas between the scientific community and policy-makers
Conferences and other large public meetings
Small scale seminars with researchers and policy-makers
Participative approaches (consultations) involving researchers, policy-makers and practitioners
A proactive approach through which policy-makers meet researchers to discuss their policy requirements
Professional and trade publications
Scientific journals
Policy briefings
Newspapers and other media
Secondment or other people transfer mechanisms to allow researchers to directly collaborate with policy-makers
Co-production of research
Other (please, specify):


How would dialogue and cooperation between the scientific community and policy-makers be reinforced?

Agreements at the highest level
Placement schemes
Advisory Boards
Publications of press policies
Other (please, specify):


Which elements should researchers define in their engagement strategies for disseminating their results from their projects towards policy development and implementation?

Identification of key groups of policy-makers
Identification of communication channels (including activities, events) to be used
Identification of potential funding and their relevance to policy-makers
Other (please, specify):


Who are the appropriate persons to validate research results?

Peer reviewers
The end users
Other specialized organisations
Other (please, specify):


What is the best time for researchers to communicate research findings/innovations to policy-makers?

Project results should be communicated on an ongoing basis over the project lifecycle.
Results should be communicated when they are needed
When final reports are delivered
Other (please, specify):


What is the most appropriate way for the scientific community to ensure that policy-makers are informed of research findings, results, priorities and concerns at different levels (national, regional, local) in order to ensure that policy-making is based on scientific evidence?

Invite concerned government officials to conferences or presentations of research, or organize specific events bringing together policy makers and researchers
Send notes and abstracts to relevant ministries
Distribute research to government agencies and to NGOs, which might be among the users
Involve policy-makers in research. Policy-makers who are consulted at the initial stages of a research project tend to be more open since they can actively participate and hence have a stake in shaping the research questions, and thereby take "ownership" of the research as well. Regular interaction during the research project can help adjusting the questions researched and the tools used to the needs of policy makers
Making sure that your research addresses issues of policy relevance to the country
Information sheets or easy-to-answer questions
Scientific publications
Publications targeted at policy-makers
All of the above
Other (please, specify):