package LLNL::LAVA::OligoEnumerator::Primer3Conserved; use strict; use vars qw(@ISA); use Carp; use Bio::SimpleAlign; # Recieves as a parameter use Bio::Tools::Run::Primer3; # Uses to enumerate oligos over sequences use LLNL::LAVA::Constants ":standard"; use LLNL::LAVA::Options ":standard"; use LLNL::LAVA::Oligo; # Builds and returns use LLNL::LAVA::OligoEnumerator; # is-a @ISA = ("LLNL::LAVA::OligoEnumerator"); # POD-formatted documentation #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head1 NAME LLNL::LAVA::OligoEnumerator::Primer3Conserved - Finds all oligos that could be used as primers based on perfect conservation across the input BioPerl MSA, using Primer3 for enumeration. =head1 SYNOPSIS use LLNL::LAVA::OligoEnumerator::Primer3Conserved; # Instantiation $enumerator = LLNL::LAVA::OligoEnumerator::Primer3Conserved->new( { "primer3_executable" => "/path/to/primer3_core", }); # Set primer3 operating parameters # ONLY these tags are recognized for now. # These values aren't sanity checked, so be very careful what you ask for! $enumerator->setPrimer3Targets( { "target_length" => 20, "min_length" => 17, "max_length" => 27, "target_tm" => 62, "min_tm" => 61, "max_tm" => 63, "most_to_return" => 20001, }); # Get oligo results of enumerating over an MSA @oligos = $enumerator->getOligos($bioPerlMSA); =head1 EXAMPLES See synopsis. =head1 DESCRIPTION Primer3Conserved is a concrete OligoEnumerator. A BioPerl MSA is accepted as input to getOligos(). Oligos are enumerated across the first sequence using BioPerl's Bio::Tools::Run::Primer3. Oligos that have exactly conserved matches in all the remaining MSA sequences are returned. =head1 APPENDIX The following documentation describes the functions in this package =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head2 new Usage : $oligoEnumerator = LLNL::LAVA::OligoEnumerator::Primer3Conserved->new( {"primer3_executable" => "/usr/bin/primer3_core"} ); Function : Creates a new OligoEnumerator for Primer3 and perfect consensus Arguments : Hash Ref - options for OligoEnumerators, including: primer3_executable - path to primer3 (usually primer3_core) Example : See Usage Returns : A new LLNL::LAVA::OligoEnumerator =cut sub new { my ($classType, $paramHash_r) = @_; if(!defined $paramHash_r) { confess("programming error - first parameter is a required hash ref"); } if(ref($paramHash_r) ne "HASH") { confess("programming error - first parameter must be a hash reference"); } # Path to the primer3 executable my $primer3Executable = optionRequired($paramHash_r, "primer3_executable"); my $this = $classType->SUPER::new(); # Map of parameter name to official Primer3 target name # No values can be set through setPrimer3Targets() that aren't listed here my $p3Names_r = { "target_length" => "PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_OPT_SIZE", "min_length" => "PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_MIN_SIZE", "max_length" => "PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_MAX_SIZE", "target_tm" => "PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_OPT_TM", "min_tm" => "PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_MIN_TM", "max_tm" => "PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_MAX_TM", "max_poly_bases" => "PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_MAX_POLY_X", "most_to_return" => "PRIMER_NUM_RETURN", }; # Set of default primer3 targets (primer3 target name => value) my $p3Targets_r = { "PRIMER_TASK" => "pick_hyb_probe_only", #"PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_SELF_ANY" => "12.00", "PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_SELF_ANY" => "8.00", "PRIMER_SALT_CONC" => 50, # Milli-molar "PRIMER_DNA_CONC" => 50, # Nano-molar "PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_MAX_POLY_X" => 4, #"PRIMER_NUM_NS_ACCEPTED" => 0, # Already the default? # Not sure if we should make these adjustable or not "PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_MIN_GC" => 20, "PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_MAX_GC" => 80, # Default suggested by Primer3 documentation #"PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_MAX_END_STABILITY" => 9.0, #"PRIMER_MAX_END_STABILITY" => 9.0, $p3Names_r->{"target_length"} => 20, $p3Names_r->{"min_length"} => 18, $p3Names_r->{"max_length"} => 27, $p3Names_r->{"target_tm"} => 62, $p3Names_r->{"min_tm"} => 61, $p3Names_r->{"max_tm"} => 63, $p3Names_r->{"most_to_return"} => 20001, # Off-by-one error in primer3? }; $this->{"d_primer3Executable"} = $primer3Executable; $this->{"d_primer3NameConversion"} = $p3Names_r; $this->{"d_primer3Targets"} = $p3Targets_r; return $this; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head2 getOligos Usage : $enumerator->getOligos($bioPerlMSA); Function : Creates an array of LLNL::LAVA::Oligo objects based on the input BioPerl MSA. Oligos are enumerated across the first sequence using BioPerl's Bio::Tools::Run::Primer3. Oligos that have exactly conserved matches in all the remaining MSA sequences are returned. Arguments : Bio::SimpleAlign - MSA of the targets Example : See Usage Returns : Array of L - the oligos found for the MSA =cut sub getOligos { my ($this, $alignment) = @_; my $sequenceCount = $alignment->no_sequences(); if($sequenceCount <= 0) { confess("data error - MSA must contain at least one sequence"); } # Make sure identifiers are unique, and that lengths are identical my %sequenceIDs = (); my $observedLength = -1; foreach my $sequence($alignment->each_seq()) { # Make any non-ATCGN an N, should handle this more gracefully, but # primer3 doesn't really like non-ATCGN's my $seqContent = $sequence->seq(); $seqContent =~ s/[^ATCG]/N/g; $sequence->seq($seqContent); my $id = $sequence->id(); my $headerPiece = $sequence->desc(); if(defined $headerPiece && $headerPiece ne "") { $id .= " " . $headerPiece; } if(exists $sequenceIDs{$id}) { confess("data error - alignment has 2 entries with the ID \"$id\", but " . "we can only handle one sequence of each ID here"); } # Check for matched lengths my $currLength = $sequence->length(); if($observedLength == -1) # Record first length no matter what { $observedLength = $currLength; } if($observedLength != $currLength) { confess("data error - the first sequence was $observedLength long, but " . "the sequence \"$id\" was $currLength long"); } $sequenceIDs{$id} = $TRUE; } # TODO: Going to have to scale the number of primers returned along # with the sequence length, or enforce a max length for this locus? my %oligosBySequenceID = (); my $sequenceIndex = 1; # Running primer3 on the first sequence my $firstSequence = $alignment->get_seq_by_pos(1); # 1-indexed! my $primer3 = Bio::Tools::Run::Primer3->new( -seq => $firstSequence, -path => $this->{"d_primer3Executable"}); my $p3Targets_r = $this->{"d_primer3Targets"}; #foreach my $targetName (keys(%{$p3Targets_r})) #{ # print " $targetName\t" . # $p3Targets_r->{$targetName} . # "\n"; #} $primer3->add_targets(%{$p3Targets_r}); my $primer3Results_r = $primer3->run(); my $oligoCount = $primer3Results_r->number_of_results; print "Primer3Conserved getOligos had $oligoCount oligos\n"; # Transition the results into an array, can't use the Primer3 object # interface, because it only undestands primer pairs, not individual # oligos my $resultsList_r = []; for(my $currIndex = 0; $currIndex < $oligoCount; $currIndex++) { #print " Loading $currIndex\n"; my $result = $primer3Results_r->primer_results($currIndex); #print " Result: \"" . # ref($result) . # "\"\n"; my $oligo = LLNL::LAVA::Oligo->newFromPrimer3($result); #print " Oligo: \"" . # ref($oligo) . # "\"\n"; push(@{$resultsList_r}, $oligo); } # TODO: Add a special primer3 oligo filtering step to remove # primers that would violate "PRIMER_INTERNAL_OLIGO_MAX_STABILITY", which # can't be specified to primer3 right now. # This limits the 5' stability of the last 5 bases of the primer. my @survivingOligos = @{$resultsList_r}; # Starting with the second alignment in the sequence, make sure the # oligo is at the same location for(my $i = 2; $i <= $sequenceCount; $i++) # 1-indexed again! { # Grab the data for this aligned sequence my $currSequence = ($alignment->get_seq_by_pos($i))->seq(); # Check for equivalence at the correct location of all potential primers # Store the list of still-valid primers at every step since we expect # the number to fall off quickly. my @stillSurvivingOligos = (); foreach my $oligo(@survivingOligos) { my $oligoLocation = $oligo->location(); my $oligoLength = $oligo->length(); if($oligo->sequence() eq substr($currSequence, $oligoLocation, $oligoLength)) { push(@stillSurvivingOligos, $oligo); } } # Update the survivor list @survivingOligos = @stillSurvivingOligos; } return @survivingOligos; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =head2 setPrimer3Targets Usage : $enumerator->setPrimer3Targets({target_name => $target_value...}); Function : Sets the oligo properties for executing Primer3. Will cause an error if a target is used that this module doesn't have a default value for. Arguments : Hash ref of target->value pairs Example : See Usage Returns : =cut sub setPrimer3Targets { my ($this, $paramHash_r) = @_; if(!defined $paramHash_r) { confess("programming error - first parameter is a required hash ref"); } if(ref($paramHash_r) ne "HASH") { confess("programming error - first parameter must be a hash reference"); } my $p3Targets_r = $this->{"d_primer3Targets"}; my $p3Names_r = $this->{"d_primer3NameConversion"}; # for each param passed in foreach my $currTarget(keys(%{$paramHash_r})) { # oops if it doesn't exist if(! exists $p3Names_r->{$currTarget}) { confess("programming error - failing to set primer3 target " . "\"$currTarget\" because no default value for that target was " . "created during Primer3Conserved's instantiation"); } # Since it does exist, set the correct tag in Targets to be the new value $p3Targets_r->{$p3Names_r->{$currTarget}} = $paramHash_r->{$currTarget}; } } 1; # Lame __END__ =head1 AUTHOR Clinton Torres ( =head1 SEE ALSO =cut