Africa Biosciences Challenge Fund (ABCF) - 2013 Research Fellowships Application Form

Application Form

Please complete all the fields with asterisks ('*') :
* First Name
* Surname
* Nationality
* Country in which employed/studying
* Gender Male: Female:
* Name of Institute and Department
* Your current Position (eg Student, Postdoc, Scientist)
* Full institute mailing address
* Office telephone number
* Mobile telephone number
* Email
Link to institutional website (if available)
* Highest degree awarded
* University that awarded your highest degree
* Date highest degree awarded
* Are you currently studying for a higher degree? State which degree (MSc or PhD)
* English language proficiency - Written
* English language proficiency - Spoken
* Briefly describe your specialty research area (maximum 250 words)
* Brief description of your research interests and experience (maximum 250 words):
* Please list the titles and funding sources of research projects that you are currently working on (maximum 250 words)
* Describe your role(s) at your institution and how exactly an African Biosciences Challenge Fund Fellowship would benefit your research programme, and department and institution as a whole (e.g. how will you use the skills or data acquired in research or in training at your institute?) (maximum 250 words)
Examples of your own publications (5 maximum)

Concept Note

* Title of proposed project                                               

Your concept note should include the following information:

  1. Food and nutritional security or animal health issue that your research will address. Include information on the importance for agricultural production in the country or countries of focus.
  2. Objectives
  3. Methods
  4. Expected outputs
  5. Direct & longer-term impact of the research
  6. Research partners & their roles
  7. How this project links to your own research interests or a program of research at your institute
  8. Outline of workplan and timeline
* Upload Concept Note
(maximum 2500 words or 2 MB)

Curriculum vitae

* Upload CV (maximum 1500 words or 2 MB)