* |
First Name |
* |
Surname |
* |
Nationality |
* |
Country in which employed/studying |
* |
Gender |
* |
Name of Institute and Department |
* |
Your current Position (eg Student, Postdoc, Scientist) |
* |
Full institute mailing address |
* |
Office telephone number |
* |
Mobile telephone number |
* |
Email |
Link to institutional website (if available) |
* |
Highest degree awarded |
* |
University that awarded your highest degree |
* |
Date highest degree awarded |
* |
Are you currently studying for a higher degree? State which degree (MSc or PhD) |
* |
English language proficiency - Written |
* |
English language proficiency - Spoken |
* |
Briefly describe your specialty research area (maximum 250 words) |
* |
Brief description of your research interests and experience (maximum 250 words): |
* |
Please list the titles and funding sources of research projects that you are currently working on (maximum 250 words) |
* |
Describe your role(s) at your institution
and how exactly an African Biosciences Challenge Fund Fellowship would
benefit your research programme, and department and institution as a
whole (e.g. how will you use the skills or data acquired in research or
in training at your institute?) (maximum 250 words) |
Examples of your own publications (5 maximum) |
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Concept Note
* |
Title of proposed project
Your concept note should include the following information:
- Food and nutritional security or animal health issue that your research will address. Include
information on the importance for agricultural production in the country or countries of focus.
- Objectives
- Methods
- Expected outputs
- Direct & longer-term impact of the research
- Research partners & their roles
- How this project links to your own research interests or a program of research at your institute
- Outline of workplan and timeline
. |
* |
Upload Concept Note (maximum 2500 words or 2 MB) |
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Curriculum vitae
* |
Upload CV (maximum 1500 words or 2 MB) |