Table of Contents

cufflinks 1.0.3 installation

Depends on samtools and boost! Make sure those are installed first…


tar zxf cufflinks-1.0.3.tar.gz
cd cufflinks-1.0.3

Configure, compile and install

./configure --prefix=/export/apps/cufflinks/1.0.3 --with-boost=/export/apps/boost/1.47.0 --with-bam=/export/apps/samtools/0.1.17
sudo make install

Prepare module file

Allow users to load support for cufflinks using the module system:

mkdir /export/apps/modules/modulefiles/cufflinks

Create the module file, /export/apps/modules/modulefiles/cufflinks/1.0.3:

## cufflinks Modulefile
## by Alan Orth,
set version   1.0.3
set prefix    /export/apps/cufflinks/${version}
set exec_prefix   ${prefix}
set url ""
set msg "This module adds cufflinks v$version to various paths\n\ncufflinks Official Site: $url\n"

proc ModulesHelp { } { 
  puts stderr "$msg"

module-whatis   "$msg"

conflict      cufflinks

prepend-path  PATH    ${exec_prefix}/bin
# cufflinks 1.0.3 was compiled against boost 1.47.0, make sure if can find boost!
prepend-path  LD_LIBRARY_PATH /export/apps/boost/1.47.0/lib

# cufflinks depends on samtools, load the samtools module as well
if { ![is-loaded samtools] } { 
    module load samtools

Test module file

module load cufflinks