Protein structures are critical for understanding the mechanisms of biological systems and, subsequently, for drug and vaccine design. Unfortunately, protein sequence data exceed structural data by a factor of more than 200 to 1. This gap can be partially filled by using computational protein structure prediction. While structure prediction Web servers are a notable option, they often restrict the number of sequence queries and/or provide a limited set of prediction methodologies. Therefore, we present a standalone protein structure prediction software package suitable for high-throughput structural genomic applications that performs all three classes of prediction methodologies: comparative modeling, fold recognition, and ab initio. This software can be deployed on a user's own high-performance computing cluster.
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Edit the paths in 'configure.txt' (in the 'data' folder) for the platform on which the program is being run. BLASTPGP - should point to the 'bin' directory (including the '\' or '/' in the end) containing the 'blastpgp' executable. DATABASE- should point to the name of the BLAST parseable database. Change the file permissions of the executable by running 'chmod FEIFDomLIN.exe 755' for the Linux version.
Running FIEFDom
FIEFDom<WIN/LIN>.exe <input.fasta>
Rosetta and PyRosetta Software
Rosetta Software Logo from Baker Laboratory
Rosetta is a molecular modeling software package for understanding protein structures, protein design, protein docking, protein-DNA and protein-protein interactions. The Rosetta software contains multiple functional modules, including Rosetta ab initio, RosettaNMR, RosettaDesign, RosettaDock, Rosetta Fragment Selection, Rosetta Nucleic Acids, RosettaLigand, and more.
./prospect_ssp.LINUX -prospect_path /home/magochi/src/PSPP/pspp_1.0/prospect/prospect -seqfile /home/magochi/seq.fasta