Interactive Display for Evolutionary Analyses

IDEA (Interactive Display for Evolutionary Analyses) is a graphical interface for PAML (Yang, Z., 1997), a popular package for conducting molecular evolution analyses on phylogenies and associated sequences.


These notes were made when the HPC was running Rocks 4.1, so they may or may not work the same way after the cluster is upgraded to Rocks 5.2. You may find want to make sure the pre-requisites are installed before going on. The IDEA website has documentation but the installation literature is VERY limited! The documentation for downloading and installing is on IDEA's sourceforge website here.

For whatever reasons, the installer is a bit picky, so don't run it as root! We "install" it in a regular user's home folder first, and then move it to another location where other users can use it. Remember, don't use sudo to run the installer script!

Unpack the archive into a new folder:

Run the installer:

The program has a funny installer, as the software package isn't really "installed" (it's more like "configured"). This has the unfortunate side effect of putting lots of static references to the user's home directory where it was "installed."

Replace all instances of "home/alan" with "paracel/biosoft" so that the program runs correctly when we move it to its new location.

Copy the directory to somewhere more appropriate (using sudo because it's outside of our home):

Change everything to 777 permissions, this allows idea to run just fine, but is very insecure:

$ sudo chmod -R 777 /export/paracel/biosoft/

Add the installed directory to your shell's path so you can test it: