Analyzes multiple biases in read coverage to detect CNVs in NGS data. To overcome a typical weakness of read depth (RD) methods, GROM-RD employs a CNV search using size-varying overlapping windows to improve breakpoint resolution. GROM-RD was able to improve RD sensitivity, specificity, and breakpoint accuracy compared to CNVnator and RDXplorer, the two most frequently used RD algorithms. Additionally, GROM-RD had a short run time that was relatively insensitive to read coverage indicating excellent scalability of the method for different datasets.
See which versions of grom-rd are available:
$ module avail grom-rd
Load groovy
$ module load grom-rd/1.0
Notes from the sysadmin during installation:
$ cd /tmp $ wget $ tar xf GROM-RD_v1.0.tar.gz $ cd GROM-RD_v1.0 $ make $ sudo mkdir -p /export/apps/grom-rd/1.0 $ sudo cp bin/GROM-RD /export/apps/grom-rd/1.0