====== Tutorials ====== Here we list tutorials (mostly in bioinformatics) to guide you in your data analyses. Some are using UNIX commandline tools that are installed on the HPC, some are using [[https://www.r-project.org/|the fabulous R software]], and some are to be ran on graphical interface software such as the nice [[http://ugene.net/|Unipro UGENE]]. Please try them, have fun, and most importantly, [[mailto:b.waweru@cgiar.org,j.domelevoentfellner@cgiar.org|let us know your feedback]]: we will endeavour to fix any mistake or inaccuracy, and to improve the contents of these tutos! * [[tutorials:simple-sequence-analysis|Simple sequence analysis (mostly for Sanger data)]] * [[tutorials:population-diversity|Single-species population diversity studies (e.g. based on SNP markers from WGS or SNP chips)]] * [[tutorials:metagenomics|Metagenomics (across-species diversity in environmental samples, microbiomes, etc)]] * [[tutorials:ngs|Initial analysis steps for everything starting with short-read data ("NGS")]] * [[tutorials:genome-assembly|Tutorials on genome assembly from short or long reads]]