====== trimgalore ====== Trim Galore is a wrapper around Cutadapt and FastQC to consistently apply adapter and quality trimming to FastQ files, with extra functionality for RRBS data. ===== Information ===== * Latest version: 0.6.7 * Added: December, 2021 * Link: https://github.com/FelixKrueger/TrimGalore ===== Usage ===== See versions of trimgalore which are available: $ module avail trimgalore Load one version into your environment and run it: $ module load trimgalore/0.6.7 $ trim_galore ===== Installation ====== Notes from the sysadmin during installation: $ cd /tmp $ wget https://github.com/FelixKrueger/TrimGalore/archive/refs/tags/0.6.7.tar.gz $ tar xf 0.6.7.tar.gz $ sudo cp -r TrimGalore-0.6.7 /export/apps/trimgalore/0.6.7