====== stringtie2 ====== Transcript assembly and quantification for RNA-Seq. A fork of the [[http://ccb.jhu.edu/software/stringtie/#news|earlier tool of the same name by Johns Hopkins]]. ===== Information ===== * Version: 2.2.1 * Added: May, 2022 * Updated: November, 2023 * Link: https://github.com/gpertea/stringtie ===== Usage ===== See versions which are available: $ module avail stringtie2 Load one version into your environment and run it: $ module load stringtie2/2.2.1 $ stringtie -h ===== Installation ====== Notes from the sysadmin during installation: $ cd /tmp $ git clone https://github.com/gpertea/stringtie.git -b v2.2.1 $ make release $ sudo mkdir -p /export/apps/stringtie2/2.2.1/bin $ sudo cp stringtie /export/apps/stringtie2/2.2.1/bin