====== SolexaQA++ ====== SolexaQA calculates sequence quality statistics and creates visual representations of data quality for second-generation sequencing data. ==== v3.1.3 ==== * Version: 3.1.3 * Added: February, 2015 * Link: http://solexaqa.sourceforge.net/ === Usage === * Show all available versions of SolexaQA++module avail SolexaQA++ * Load SolexaQA++ module: module load SolexaQA++/3.1.3 === Installation === * download SolexaQA++ tarball - its already compiled but you can recompile it if you wishwget "http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/solexaqa/src/SolexaQA%2B%2B_v3.1.3.zip?r=http%3A%2F%2Fsourceforge.net%2Fprojects%2Fsolexaqa%2Ffiles%2F&ts=1423563723&use_mirror=liquidtelecom" -O "SolexaQA++_v3.1.3.zip" unzip SolexaQA++_v3.1.3.zip cd SolexaQA++_v3.1.3 chmod +x Linux_x64/SolexaQA++ sudo mkdir -p /export/apps/SolexaQA++/3.1.3/ sudo cp Linux_x64/SolexaQA++ /export/apps/SolexaQA++/3.1.3/ * SolexaQA++ module file#%Module1.0 ##################################################################### ## ## SolexaQA++ Modulefile ## By James Oguya, j.oguya@cgiar.org ## February, 2015 ## set appname SolexaQA++ set version 3.1.3 set prefix /export/apps/${appname}/${version} set exec_prefix ${prefix} set url "http://solexaqa.sourceforge.net/" set msg "SolexaQA calculates sequence quality statistics and creates visual representations of data quality for second-generation sequencing data.\SolexaQA++ Official Site: $url\n" module-whatis $msg proc ModulesHelp { } { puts stderr "$msg" } conflict SolexaQA++ prepend-path PATH ${exec_prefix} * deploy the new module using ansibleansible-playbook site.yml -u provisioning -K -s --limit=compute --tags=modules