====== seroba ====== SeroBA is a k-mer based Pipeline to identify the Serotype from Illumina NGS reads for given references. You can use SeroBA to download references from [[https://github.com/phe-bioinformatics/PneumoCaT|PneumoCaT]] to do identify the capsular type of Streptococcus pneumoniae. ===== Information ===== * Version: 1.0.0 * Added: November, 2018 * Link: https://github.com/sanger-pathogens/seroba ===== Usage ===== See versions which are available: $ module avail seroba Load one version into your environment and run it: $ module load seroba/1.0.0 $ seroba ===== Installation ====== Notes from the sysadmin during installation: $ cd /tmp $ sudo mkdir -p /export/apps/seroba/1.0.0 $ sudo chown aorth /export/apps/seroba/1.0.0 $ python3.6m -m venv /export/apps/seroba/1.0.0 $ source /export/apps/seroba/1.0.0/bin/activate $ module load MUMer/3.23 $ pip3 install ariba pymummer biopython pyyaml $ pip3 install seroba $ sudo chown -R root:root /export/apps/seroba