====== RSEM ====== RSEM is a software package for estimating gene and isoform expression levels from RNA-Seq data. * Version: 1.3.1 * Added: February, 2015 * Updated: November, 2018 * Link: https://deweylab.github.io/RSEM/ === Usage === Show all available versions: $ module avail RSEM Load one version into your environment: $ module load RSEM/1.3.1 === Installation === Notes from the sysadmin during installation: $ cd /tmp $ wget https://github.com/deweylab/RSEM/archive/v1.3.1.tar.gz $ tar xf v1.3.1.tar.gz $ cd RSEM-1.3.1 $ sudo yum install gcc-c++ $ make $ sudo mkdir -p /export/apps/RSEM/1.3.1 $ sudo chown aorth /export/apps/RSEM/1.3.1 $ make prefix=/export/apps/RSEM/1.3.1 install $ sudo chown -R root:root /export/apps/RSEM/1.3.1