====== Platanus ======
* Platanus is a de novo assembler designed to assemble high-throughput data. It can handle highly heterozygotic samples.
* First, it constructs contigs using the algorithm based on de Bruijn graph.
* Second, the order of contigs is determined according to paired-end (mate-pair) data and constructs scaffolds.
* Finally, paired-end reads localized on gaps in scaffolds are assembled and gaps are closed.
* More Info: http://platanus.bio.titech.ac.jp/platanus-assembler
===== Platanus/1.2.1 =====
* Version: 1.2.1
* Link: http://platanus.bio.titech.ac.jp/platanus-assembler/platanus-1-2-1/
==== Usage ====
* Show all versions of platanus$ module avail platanus
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /etc/modulefiles/ilri ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Load a specific version$ module load platanus/1.2.1
* Show help$ platanus --help
platanus --help
Platanus version: 1.2.1
Usage: platanus Command [options]
Command: assemble, scaffold, gap_close
==== Installation ====
* platanus comes already compiled, so all you have to do is unzip & copy to export-appsmkdir ~/src/platanus
cd ~/src/platanus
wget http://platanus.bio.titech.ac.jp/Platanus_release/20130901010201/platanus
chmod +x platanus
sudo mkdir -p /export/apps/platanus/1.2.1/
sudo cp platanus /export/apps/platanus/1.2.1/
* Create module file & push to github repo#%Module1.0
## Platanus Modulefile
## By James Oguya, j.oguya@cgiar.org
## November, 2014
set appname platanus
set version 1.2.1
set prefix /export/apps/${appname}/${version}
set exec_prefix ${prefix}
set url "http://platanus.bio.titech.ac.jp/platanus-assembler/platanus-1-2-1/"
set msg "Platanus is a de novo assembler designed to assemble high-throughput data. It can handle highly heterozygotic samples.\nPlatanus Official Site: $url\n"
module-whatis $msg
proc ModulesHelp { } {
puts stderr "$msg"
conflict platanus
prepend-path PATH ${exec_prefix}
* Clone repo on all compute nodes using ansibleansible-playbook compute.yml --limit=compute --tags=modules -K