[[mkatari-bioinformatics-august-2013|Back to Manny's Bioinformatics Workshop Home]] ====== Creating a Bowtie Index and Performing an alignment using Cassava as a reference ====== This is a quick example of how to build a bowtie index and executing bowtie. Normally you will create the index only once you there is no need to create a special script for it. Just make sure you are in **interactive mode** mode and we can do everything on the command line. Once you have found the sequence on the web you want to use as a reference you can use the linux command wget to download it quickly. And to make sure we keep our data organized, let's create a directory called **cassava** where we will store the file. So first steps are to create the directory and download the file. mkdir ~/cassava cd cassava wget ftp://ftp.jgi-psf.org/pub/compgen/phytozome/v9.0/Mesculenta/assembly/Mesculenta_147.fa.gz Now we will uncompress the file using gunzip gunzip Meculenta_147.fa.gz To see how many scaffolds we in our file we can **grep** for the greater-than sign and then using the command **wc** to count lines. grep ">" Mesculenta_147.fa | wc -l In order to use Bowtie2 commands we have to first load the module module load bowtie2 In order to create the index, which will be used like a database when we are aligning the reads to the reference, we use the command bowtie2-build. For cassava this should take about 10 minutes. bowtie2-build Mesculenta_147.fa cassava Based on the the type of sequences you have ( single end or pair end ) the options to run bowtie are slightly different. To run single end reads use -U followed by the file name. If it is pair-end then use -1 first file -2 second file. See the link for [[http://bowtie-bio.sourceforge.net/bowtie2/manual.shtml|bowtie2]] for more detailed options and arguments that bowtie2 accepts. bowtie2 -x cassava/cassava -U test.fastq -S test.sam