====== MetaBAT ====== MetaBAT is an efficient tool for accurately reconstructing single genomes from complex microbial communities. ===== Information ===== * Version: 2.12.1 * Added: September, 2017 * Link: https://bitbucket.org/berkeleylab/metabat ===== Usage ===== See versions of metabat which are available: $ module avail megahit Load one version into your environment and run it: $ module load metabat/2.12.1 $ runMetaBat.sh ===== Installation ====== Notes from the sysadmin during installation: $ cd /tmp $ wget https://bitbucket.org/berkeleylab/metabat/downloads/metabat-static-binary-linux-x64_v2.12.1.tar.gz $ tar xf metabat-static-binary-linux-x64_v2.12.1.tar.gz $ sudo mkdir -p /export/apps/metabat $ sudo cp -r metabat /export/apps/metabat/2.12.1 $ sudo find /export/apps/metabat/2.12.1 -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; $ sudo chmod 755 /export/apps/metabat/2.12.1/* $ sudo chmod 644 /export/apps/metabat/2.12.1/*.{md,txt}