====== mcl ====== The MCL algorithm is short for the Markov Cluster Algorithm, a fast and scalable unsupervised cluster algorithm for graphs (also known as networks) based on simulation of (stochastic) flow in graphs. ===== Information ===== * Latest version: 14-137 * Added: July, 2018 * Link: https://micans.org/mcl/ ===== Usage ===== See versions of mcl that are available: $ module avail mcl Load one version into your environment and run it: $ module load mcl/14-137 $ mcl ===== Installation ====== Notes from the sysadmin during installation: $ cd /tmp $ wget https://micans.org/mcl/src/mcl-14-137.tar.gz $ tar xf mcl-14-137.tar.gz $ cd mcl-14-137 $ ./configure --prefix=/export/apps/mcl/14-137 $ sudo mkdir -p /export/apps/mcl/14-137 $ sudo chown aorth /export/apps/mcl/14-137 $ make install $ sudo chown -R root:root /export/apps/mcl