====== hic_qc ====== This script is intended as a simple QC method for Hi-C libraries, based on reads in a BAM file aligned to some genome/assembly. ===== Information ===== * Version: git-1e132fb2 * Added: November, 2020 * Link: https://github.com/phasegenomics/hic_qc ===== Usage ===== See versions of hic_qc that are available: $ module avail hic_qc Load one version into your environment and run it: $ module load hic_qc/git-1e132fb2 $ hic_qc.py ===== Installation ====== Notes from the sysadmin during installation. $ cd /tmp $ git clone https://github.com/phasegenomics/hic_qc.git $ cd hic_qc $ sudo mkdir -p /export/apps/hic_qc/git-1e132fb2 $ sudo chown aorth /export/apps/hic_qc/git-1e132fb2 $ python3 -m venv /export/apps/hic_qc/git-1e132fb2 $ source /export/apps/hic_qc/git-1e132fb2/bin/activate $ pip install -r requirements.txt $ python setup.py install $ cp -r * /export/apps/hic_qc/git-1e132fb2 $ sudo chown -R root:root /export/apps/hic_qc/git-1e132fb2