====== Change-O ======
Change-O is a collection of tools for processing the output of V(D)J alignment tools, assigning clonal clusters to immunoglobulin sequences, and reconstructing germline sequences.
===== Information =====
* Version: 1.2.0
* Added: September, 2016
* Updated: April, 2022
* Link: https://changeo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/overview.html
===== Usage =====
See which versions of changeo are available:
$ module avail changeo
Load changeo into your environment:
$ module load changeo/1.2.0
===== Installation ======
Notes from the sysadmin during installation:
$ cd /tmp
$ module load python/3.9
$ sudo mkdir /export/apps/changeo/1.2.0
$ sudo chown aorth /export/apps/changeo/1.2.0
$ python -m venv /export/apps/changeo/1.2.0
$ source /export/apps/changeo/1.2.0/bin/activate
$ pip install --upgrade setuptools pip wheel
$ pip install changeo==1.2.0
$ sudo chown -R root:root /export/apps/changeo/1.2.0